
Tanishq Golden Harvest is a smart, secure and convenient way to own the Tanishq jewellery you desire. Through this plan, you can buy more than what you pay for because Tanishq will add a special discount upon maturity.

Golden Harvest - 10 Months

You can open a Golden Harvest account online using our website or App or by visiting your nearest Tanishq showroom.

You have the option to pay monthly instalments by cash, card, online banking using SI, ACH or post dated cheque facilities.

You must pay a fixed instalment amount on the due date every month for 10 months (minimum instalment value - INR 2000. It can go up to any amount in multiples of INR 1000).

After 10 months, you will be eligible for a special discount of upto 75% of the 1st instalment value paid.

You must mandatorily close the account within 400 days from the date of opening your Golden Harvest account.

For Example ( Only if all installments are paid on due date )

Enrolment Date Maturity Date Instalment per month (in ₹) Discount on Jewellery purchase (in ₹) % of monthly installment
1st Jan 2021 1st Jan 2022 2000 1500 75%

Golden Harvest is the smartest and most rewarding way for you to buy
Tanishq jewellery of your choice, with 10 monthly instalments.

Know More

Swarnanidhi is a flexible, 8 months gold booking scheme. This scheme will also help protect you against the rising gold rates. Under this scheme you can book grams of gold every month for 8 months post you can redeem the grams booked in form of Tanishq jewellery at gold rate applicable at the time of redemption.

How does the scheme work?

You can start the scheme on 1 Jan 2017.

1st Installment 1st Jan 2017
Amount paid ( For ex ) ₹30,000
(assuming) Gold rate on 1st Jan ₹3,000
Hence, Grams booked 10 gms
1st Installment 15th Feb 2017
Amount paid ( For ex ) ₹10,000
(assuming) Gold rate on 1st Jan ₹3,100
Hence, Grams booked 3.22 gms

You Redeem

This process continues till the last instalment in August 2017. Assuming that in 8 months you’ve booked 100 grams, this is how you can redeem it.